Legal & Paralegal Studies

Paralegals are like the trusty sidekick to any successful lawyer. “What do you think about..?” “Can you find the…?” and “Could you handle the…” are phrases lawyers commonly ask their legal counterparts. From providing legal advice and determining fees, to preparing for trials and obtaining documents, paralegals are like the hands, eyes, and ears of lawyers, filling a vital role in the success of any lawyer’s practice. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request. Get started with your paralegal training today!
Why Become a Paralegal?
The type of paralegal degree and the type of field a paralegal goes into can vary widely. The decisions may be made largely based on prior experience, knowledge, and specific areas of law that are common in their locality. The most common degree held among paralegals is a bachelor’s degree from a four-year institution. While many paralegals have devoted their full-time studies to obtain this degree, others are hired with an associate’s degree. Still, others who have the time and money are encouraged to obtain a paralegal master’s degree which takes at least two years to obtain but definitely distinguishes these individuals from the pack.
Finding Online Paralegal Schools
The three main opportunities for jobs for paralegals come from private law firms, corporate legal entities, or the federal government. It is possible for paralegals to be self-employed, offering their own consulting or contracting services. For private law firms, paralegals work for individual lawyers or a small group of lawyers, typically obtaining needed documents, helping lawyers evaluate these documents and related laws, maintaining communications with clients or individuals associated with certain cases, and providing their legal opinion to lawyers to help them determine the best course of action. Paralegals are forbidden to set legal fees or provide advice directly to clients. The job responsibilities would be similar in a corporate setting, except corporate lawyers may require a higher degree of research and, depending on the size and type of corporation, may spend more time in meetings and trials. The Department of Justice and Social Security Administration are the components of the federal government that employ the most lawyers and paralegals.
Fortunately, the prestige that accompanies the title of “lawyer” means that every year more and more individuals are pursuing this status. As more lawyers enter the system, the demand for paralegals will likewise increase. The most demanded and competitive paralegals will be the ones who degrees and experience in the particular fields that lawyers are looking for. Many firms and practices would prefer to hire qualified, but less expensive, paralegals who can perform work similar to lawyers.
Although every true hero needs the sidekick, everyone knows that frequently the true hero is the sidekick. Your chance to make your mark in the realm of law by assisting lawyers and contributing to firms is here. The demand for experienced and qualified paralegals is rising, as are your opportunities to find a successful career as a paralegal. Plenty of opportunities for jobs and for advancement are available in this career. So don’t wait, but find the degree and firm that best suits your intuition, and obtain the training you need to enter this exciting field. Finding paralegal courses or degree programs is easy. Explore programs today and find the best school for your goals.