Public Policy & Administration

Are you interested in a degree in Public Policy & Administration and looking for information to get started? Use our search tool and get the answers you are looking for. You’ll find colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Public Policy & Administration and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request. Want to learn more? Get started right now! Find Public Policy & Administration programs in your area and enroll today!
Why choose the field of Social Sciences?
Generally speaking, a degree in Social Sciences help graduates know the facets of human behavior. You will expand and develop an understanding of our society by studying individuals, communities, families, governments, and many cultures – from many points of view.
A foundation in Social Science can be powerful and prepare you to grow and increase your skills working for numerous different employers. Skills like: oral and written communication, teamwork, analytical, interpersonal, organizational, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
When you earn a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences you’ll select a major, like anthropology, psychology, sociology, geography, political science, cultural studies or criminology. Going farther and receiving a master’s or doctorate degree can expand your ability to go after many more jobs and in some areas, it may be needed to advance. But, not all students of Social Sciences pursue a graduate education.
Social Science degrees are all about the study of human behavior, differences in societies and all aspects of humanity. This understanding and skills developed, meaning that graduates are often a perfect fit for jobs in public service. This could be a career that includes research assistants, social workers, and market analysts.
Employment of Social Science occupations is expected to grow 10 percent from the year 2016 to 2026. This is a faster rate than the average for all other occupations, this will result in about 125,000 new jobs. These new jobs will increase the demand for professionals with expertise in the sciences, particularly in occupations that involve biomedical research, energy management, psychology, and environmental protection.
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